‘Mindsharing: The Art of Crowdsourcing Everything’ by Lior Zoref


Rating: 5 stars

“Mindsharing: The Art of CrowdsourcingEverything” by Lior Zoref is a book that everyone should read. Everyone. Young people will totally understand his message of using social networks to make important decisions. Older people will be astounded at the information in the book — the efficacy, proved in studies, of getting information from a network.

Zoref shares an important video on his website, mindsharing, about how to use Mindsharing resources to manage your career. The information contained in the book is a veritable goldmine for individuals, but also for corporations.

What he writes makes sense: Don’t forget to say “thank you.” That’s what teachers teach their students, and it holds just as much for those using their social network for assistance. But who really thanks a social network? Probably not as many as should be doing so.

And Zoref guides readers on how to post on social media and give value. He points out, no surprise, that no one cares about posts detailing what one had for breakfast. Or that one has been waiting for 15 minutes in the line at Starbucks (I made that one up). So he shares five possible posts that one could write about apple pie. I’ll let you guess which is the lowest in value:

  • I made a great apple pie.
  • Here’s a picture of the apple pie I baked tonight. My friends said it was amazing.
  • The secret to making a great apple pie is XXX.
  • I just had friends for dinner. I made this apple pie which was devoured in two minutes (picture). Here’s my recipe. The secret to a great apple pie is XXX.
  • I just had friends for dinner. I made this apple pie, which was devoured in two minutes. Here’s a link to my blog with the recipe and a video showing you how to make it. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Zoref writes that one of the posts “simply shares a fact about something that happened. It has no inherent value for the crowd. There is nothing in the post that will make people care. Nothing for them to learn. No reason for them to share it or engage.” But his last example has the potential for great value. While not everyone will want to learn how to make an apple pie, some may want to learn your secret. They may share it. They will visit your blog and perhaps watch the video. You have provided value — a recipe and instruction video.

Zoref gives details about how many contacts you need in your social network for mindsharing to work (250 people). He explains why. The book is also filled with resources about specific sites to access for mindsharing help. He also talks about mindsharing etiquette like “don’t nag.”

Long story short — it’s a fascinating book that reads like a fiction novel. Perhaps that’s because he’s included many short (very short) stories that help explain how it all works and the plethora of ways in which it works.

Want to change careers? Want to get a better job? Have a sick child and want some input about a diagnosis?

Mindsharing works.

Please note: This review is based on the final hardcover book provided by Portfolio/Penguin for review purposes.